职位描述: 职位职责:-基于嵌入式Linux操作系统开发图像识别、语音识别等深度学习网络相关的应用软件及中间件软件;-把典型的深度学习网络应用于嵌入式系统上,通过SoC芯片上的硬件加速部件对网络进行优化,使网络达到较好的运行性能。-编写与所开发代码配套的流程图,设计文档等;-为开发的代码以及相关的深度学习网络硬件加速驱动程序和中间件件编写测试用例;
职位要求:满足如下多个条件的候选人优先考虑:-2年以上的C/C++编程的经验;-2年以上Linux系统应用软件、中间件或驱动程序开发经验;-具有在嵌入式系统上开发深度学习软件的实战经验;-对常用的深度学习网络如CNN、RNN等有较深入的理解;-良好的英语口语、书写能力;-良好的团队协作和沟通能力 Responsibilities:-Design and develop deep-leaning softwae such as image ecognition, voice ecognition applications and elevant middlewae on embedded Linux systems.-Deploy typical deep-leaning netwoks to embedded systems, utilizing elevant hadwae acceleatos on the SoC to optimize the netwok pefomance;-Design the softwae with use cases, data flow diagam and othe technical documents-Develop test cases fo you code and the dives/middlewae API you applications ae based on; Requiements:Candidates meeting multiple below citeia ae pefeed: -2 o moe yeas of C/C++ pogamming expeience;-2 yeas of expeience in application, middlewae o dive development on Linux systems;-Pactical expeience in deep-leaning softwae development on embedded systems.-Good undestanding of widely used CNN and RNN netwoks in deep leaning;-Good spoken English and witten English;-Good teamwok and communication skills.