职位描述: Job Desciption: A Senio S/W enginee with excellent eal-time embedded expeience is equied to wok in the TM500 System and Technology team. The candidate must have a good woking knowledge of developing code in a Linux envionment, o RTOS o eal-time Linux. A good knowledge Intel/AMD x86-64 micoachitectue, micopocesso, an appeciation of FPGAs, bae metal pogamming and digital RF envionments ae also impotant. 3GPP wieless systems knowledge is a bonus.In addition, the candidate must have a good undestanding of multi-theaded development at the bae-metal level including x86 PCIe. Intefacing to FPGAs and expeience of digital RF modulation technologies ae all key to be successful in this ole.This ole involves the suppot of ou existing poduct envionment as well as helping us develop new ideas, designing and development of code fo next geneation poducts, o to enhance ou cuent poduct.The candidate must have a minimum of 5 yeas of focussed softwae development expeience in a C o C++ envionment and be passionate about softwae development discipline.Excellent communications skills, vebal and witten ae mandatoily equied at this job level. You will be able to shae you passion fo and knowledge of you discipline to othes, gaining thei espect and in time being automatically ecognised as a discipline leade. You may epesent the company; both extenally and intenally, thus the utmost pofessionalism and ethical behaviou is equied at this level. Summay of main duties and esponsibilities:· Full life-cycle eal-time multi-theaded softwae maintenance and development, sometimes at the bae metal level in Linux use space suppoting a lage complex poduct. · Fault finding and application suppot.· Suppot of ou softwae instumentation and tool envionment· Suppoting the team with impovement ideas fo ou softwae envionment and development of code.· Integation of new intefaces and h/w peipheals into Viavi’s TM500 poducts.· Suppot fo integation of new in house developed poducts into the factoy.· Potentially softwae development of dives and use space platfom abstaction layes.Pofile:Excellent expeience in eal time multitheaded softwae development, Linux use space development, debugging and suppot. Knowledge of a numbe of the following subjects:· Linux kenel and use space development, netwoking, I/O on x86 multi-coe pocessos.· PCIe, FPGAs: fom a s/w suppot pespective: eg: loading, intefacing.· Languages: C, C++, Python, bash scipting· SCM: Git, Bitbucket· Issue tacking: JIRA· 3GPP wieless systems (LTE, 5G)· Digital modulation technologies, gain contol, I/Q fo RF eception/tansmission.A team playe with good oganization skills. A confident communicato, both witten and vebally.