职位描述: I. Key ResponsibilitiesThe ole will focus on softwae and deliveing sustainable even stategically innovation to fulfill Asia Pacific R&D team and ensue R&D suppot long tem gowth of APEX Tool Goup by ceating technology and innovation leadeship in the maket. - Pefom the analysis, design, pogamming, testing, toubleshooting and modifying of softwae poducts and/o custome applications on compute based systems- Pefoms systems modeling, simulation, and analysis in designing assembles, lines, compiles, and opeation systems utilities- Detemine methods and pocedues on new assignments, may povide guidance to othe pesonnel, and paticipate in planning on lage pogams- Undestand system and softwae equiements, jointly define softwae featue building blocks accoding to platfom setup and availability- Closely wok with fimwae/hadwae enginees design, veification till elease- Closely wok with fimwae/hadwae enginees in test case definition and bug fixing and pefom softwae test- Closely wok with achitect (Poduct owne) in achitectue fulfillment and development- Lean and adopt continuous impovement mindset to pusue opeational excellence to delive softwae on time with wold class quality.- Wok with global softwae development team on common code base, platfoms and common building blocks, and oadmap- Responsible fo the poduct technical documentation: poduct elease epot (focus: design pat), documents: follow/ endose depatment woking pocedues.- Aange smooth technology and knowledge tansfe (mainly afte SR) to SQA, pocess enginees and supplie.- Design and development of the test famewok and of integation setup- Develop solution towads continuous integation and delivey envionment- Impove and innovate on continuous integation appoach- Wok independently and can coopeate with global development team.- Vey good design integity- Collaboate with expeience designes to establish, maintain and communicate desciptions of uses, pesonas, and expeience pillas. - Maste o docto degee of softwae engineeing, 5+ yeas’ expeience on softwae development.- Excellent knowledge of softwae pogamming language C, C++ and C#- Stong expeience in softwae pogamming fo Windows, IOS, Andoid and code optimization.- Low level pogamming expeience with Micocontolles- Excellent knowledge of communication potocol such as TCP/IP, RS-232, RS-485, USB, WIFI, MODBUS and Bluetooth.- Familia with 51, ARM, RISC seies mico-contolle is a plus.- Familia with x86 achitectue- Expeience in softwae unit testing, test case design and test plan ceation.- Expeience in woking with commecial teams, customes, patne o supplies to delive esults- Stong expeience on poduct development like system definition, system analysis, debugging etc.- Skills in poblem solving, citical thinking, and clea communication- Have good knowledge of English on both witten and vebal, excellent communicational skills- Plus if can use Configuation tool on SVN, GITS and Embedded opeating system like open RTOS, (Linux optional)