

上海-黄浦区 /5-7年经验 /本科 /招若干人 /12-09发布

Cloud AchitectAbout youRHI Magnesita is cuently seeking a Cloud Achitect with a stong capability on cloud computing and technology systems, as well as expeienced in designing and tansfeing applications to the cloud. Should be able to develop and delive agile and cost-effective hosting solutions, implementing scalable, high pefomance hosting solutions that meet the need of today's copoate and digital applications using both pivate and public cloud technologies.In addition, you have:· Bachelo’s degee (o equivalent wok expeience) elevant to Infomation Technology, Compute Science/Engineeing o equivalent wok expeience· Expetise in Cloud Achitectue and developed Cloud Sevice pojects and deployed solutions such as pivate/public cloud IaaS, PaaS and SaaS platfoms.· Expeience with agile pinciples and methodologies.· Excellent knowledge of cloud computing technologies and cuent computing tends.· Expeience with pivate and public cloud achitectues, pos/cons, and migation consideations · Extensive hands-on expeience implementing infa migation, data migation and data pocessing using Azue sevices: Netwoking, Windows/Linux vitual machines, Containe, Stoage, ELB, Autoscaling, Azue Functions, Seveless Achitectue, ARM Templates, Azue SQL DB/DW, Data Factoy, Azue Steam Analytics, Azue Analysis Sevice· DevOps on an Azue platfom - Expeience developing and deploying ETL solutions on Azue - Stong in Powe BI, Java, C, Spak, PySpak, Unix shell/Pel scipting - Familiaity with the technology stack available in the industy fo metadata management: Data Govenance, Data Quality, MDM, Lineage· Entepise-scale technical expeience with cloud secuity, hybid infastuctues secue, achitectue designs, and technology management· Expeience in a client-facing envionment and inteacting with technical and business stakeholdes· Must be able to communicate fluently in English, both witten and vebal. Any additional language will be consideed an asset· Willingness to tavel on occasional basisAbout the job As a Cloud Achitect you will be pat of the newly ceated depatment Digital Platfoms, being a key individual to develop the technical capabilities. You develop and suppot the technical capabilities of ou Global Cental Sevices, being pat of the Integated Business Sevices depatment, epoting to the Head of Cloud of Excellence (CCoE)You tasks will include:· Dive & Acceleate poduction-level Cloud Solutions in line with RHI Magnesita stategy.· Be able to povide technical diection and lead a goup of one o moe achitects to addess a goal, achitecting and designing solutions to meet functional and non-functional equiements· Solution/technical achitectue in the cloud fo infastuctue migation Big Data/analytics/infomation analysis/database management in the cloud IoT/event-diven/micosevices in the cloud· Wok closely with IT secuity to monito the company's cloud pivacy.· Offe guidance in infastuctue movement techniques including bulk application tansfes into the cloud.· Identify the top cloud achitectue solutions to successfully meet the stategic needs of the company.Desied additional Skills & Expeience· Azue Cetifications· MCSA Cloud Platfom Azue Taining Cetification, MCSE Cloud Platfom Infastuctue Cetification· Solution Achitectue cetifications· Knowledge of taditional netwok achitectue such as IP Addessing, subnetting, outing, switching, and fiewallsActively paticipate in the technical community, including but not limited to contibution to use goups, pesenting, witing blogs, Stack Oveflow, etc.· Possess cuent industy-ecognized cetifications· Undestanding of softwae development pattens and pacticesWhat we bing to the tableWe ae the acknowledged industy leade in innovative technology. Ou company is defined by people. That’s why we attach so much impotance to ou employees. We have a collaboative cultue that cheishes ideas and detemination to add value fo ou customes. Ou leadeship style encouages openness, fesh thinking and initiative. We ae pagmatic, positive and optimistic. We offe: Do you ecognize youself in this ole?We ae looking fowad to you online application! Please upload you esume via ou caee page. Applications via e-mail will not be taken into consideation. About RHI Magnesita RHI Magnesita is the esult of the mege between RHI and Magnesita to fom the global leading supplie of high-gade efactoy poducts, systems and sevices. With moe than 13,650 employees acoss moe than 35 counties and 2.9 billion in evenues we ae the diving foce of the efactoy industy. But to delive esults fo customes, that technology must be put to wok effectively. By people. That’s why we attach so much impotance to ou employees. Do you want to know moe?

此职位可能要求b、cloudarchitect、aboutyou、rhimagnesitaiscurrentlyseekingacloudarchitectwithastrongcapabilityoncloudcomputingandtechnologysystems、aswellasexperiencedindesigningandtransferringapplicationstothecloud、shouldbeabletodevelopanddeliveragileandcost、effectivehostingsolutions、implementingscalable 等, 我们为你匹配了以下试题

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