SDK Engineer/Technical Lead (C/C++) (职位编号:1320358)


上海-徐汇区 /3-4年经验 /本科 /招1人 /11-29发布 /英语良好

What You'll Do You’ll be woking as pat of Cisco Silicon One team, woking as pat of the team esponsible fo SDK development, Custome Engagement and Poduct Suppot. Woking on SDK/P4/Application suppot, implementation and integation, suppot activities with vaious customes, building the new geneation poducts systems to lead the intenet taffic aound the globe, developed aound Silicon One achitectue. Poviding poduct suppot, toubleshoot, debug and esolve the issues, and povide actionable data to ou intenal team. As pat of this ole, you will be woking vey closely with ou customes, to guide them thoughout thei system oad map and development. 1. Undestand and analyze custome equiements, especially on MSDC/SP maket based on SAI/SONiC 2. Implement and validate custome equiement/application on Cisco Silicon One with SDK/P 4. 3. Diagnose and toubleshooting, woking on netwoking potocols fo switch/oute and infastuctue poducts. 4. Be pat of the SW, SDK, SAI and SONIC team and esponsible fo the featue deliveies. 5. Mange and build up with ou customes, hands-on debug skills and methodologies 6. Paticipate in the SW goup, esponsible fo the intefacing and implementation the contol of achitectue and ASIC devices.Who You'll Wok With Cisco CRDC (China R&D Cente) ASIC goup is founded in 2006. We'e using cutting edge methodologies and technology to develop ASICs fo Data Cente, switching, outing and secuity poducts. CRDC ASIC team has the full-scale of capabilities in achitectue, design, DV, SDK as well as system bing up. We ae pat of the ASIC goup woking on next Gen chips with consolidated Silicon One achitectue, and deeply engaged in the coe SW and HW developments of leading edge ASICs. Cisco Silicon One seves Cisco systems but moe than that. Cisco has stated silicon diect business, and CRDC ASIC team will be custome facing fo China customes, woking with them fo technical and development diectly. Who You Ae 1. Above 3 yeas expeience in C/C++ pogamming; Familia and have some backgound level in netwoking, topologies and fowading potocols (bidge and outes) 2. Ready to lean and expand you knowledge in the domain of top line, next geneation Cisco infastuctue poducts 3. Is a team playe with positive attitude and stong communication skills 4. Stong oientation fo system wise testing and debugging, a poblem solve 5. Enjoy leaning, self-leaning which can quickly amp into new domains 6. Good Knowledge on latest pogamming languages (Python, Peal). 7. Knowledge on SDK is a plus 8. Knowledge on SONiC o netwoking OS is a plus Educational Backgound Maste of EE/CS o elated field.Why Cisco We connect eveything: people, pocesses, data, and things. We innovate eveywhee, taking bold isks to shape the technologies that give us smat cities, connected cas, and handheld hospitals. And we do it in style with unique pesonalities who aen't afaid to change the way the wold woks, lives, plays and leans. We ae thought leades, tech geeks, and pop cultue aficionados. We celebate the ceativity and divesity that fuels ou innovation. We ae deames and we ae does. We Ae Cisco.
