

上海-黄浦区 /5-7年经验 /本科 /招若干人 /12-09发布

Cloud Solution AchitectAbout you·         RHI Magnesita is cuently seeking a Cloud Solution Achitect that can be esponsible fo deliveing solution designs and achitectues fo key global initiatives using Azue Cloud sevices and custom developed applications hosted using IaaS, PaaS and SaaS hosting models.In addition, you have:·         Bachelo’s Degee o equivalency (Compute Science, Math o Engineeing) o equivalent wok expeience·         Designed and developed Cloud Sevice pojects and deployed to Web Apps, PaaS, and IaaS.·         Expeience developing cloud (Azue) based solutions·         Expeience with agile pinciples and methodologies.·         Expeience in a solution achitectue ole using sevice and hosting solutions such as pivate/public cloud IaaS, PaaS and SaaS platfoms.·         Expeience in achitecting and designing technical solutions fo Micosoft-centic solutions based on industy standads using Azue IaaS, PaaS and SaaS capabilities.·         Expeience with development of Infastuctue as Code with ARM Templates, PoweShell and Azue Automation·         Expeience in cloud native solution designing: Azue native cloud topology & pattens ·         Expeience with Azue Active Diectoy (AAD), claims based authentication (SAML/OAuth/OIDC), MFA, and RBAC·         Knowledge of cloud secuity contols including tenant isolation, encyption at est, encyption in tansit, key management, vulneability assessments, application fiewalls, SIEM, etc.·         Expeience with multi-tie system and sevice design and development fo lage entepises·         Extensive, eal-wold expeience designing technology components fo entepise solutions and defining solution achitectues and efeence achitectues with a focus on cloud technologies·         Must be able to communicate fluently in English, both witten and vebal. Any additional language will be consideed an assetAbout the job As a Cloud Solution Achitect you will be pat of the newly ceated depatment Digital Platfoms, being a key individual to develop the technical capabilities. You will develop and suppot the technical capabilities of ou Global Cental Sevices, equiing the ability to lead, influence and coodinate with many stakeholdes (technical and business) to discuss and build the equied solutions. You will be pat of the Integated Business Sevices depatment, epoting to the Head of Cloud of Excellence (CCoE)You tasks will include:·         Facilitate, communicate, design and guide the implementation of technical designs and implementation·         Woking togethe with all business aeas (diffeent stakeholdes fom business ownes to specialists) and help them to build solutions to suppot ou business·         Be able to povide technical diection and lead a goup of one o moe achitects to addess a goal, achitecting and designing solutions to meet functional and non-functional equiements·         Enfoce adheence to achitectual standads/pinciples, global poduct-specific guidelines, usability design standads, etc.·         Poactively povide guidance on engineeing methodologies, standads and leading pactices·         Demonstated ability to adapt to new data technologies and lean quickly to enable migating o tansfoming legacy custome solution to cloud-based platfom as a sevice·         Guide business and technical decision makes on ceating business value though Achitectue Design Sessions, Wokshops, and Poof of ConceptsDesied additional Skills & Expeience·         Azue Cetifications·         Expeience on solutions based on big data technologies, including poducts such as Databicks, DataLake, Data Factoy, CosmosDB …·         Expeience on solutions based on elational data, including poducts like Azue SQL, MySQL…·         Ability with PoweShell, Python, o othe scipting languages·         Softwae development full lifecycle methodologies, pattens, famewoks, libaies and tools·         Knowledge of pogamming and scipting languages such as JavaScipt, PoweShell, SQL, .NET,  Python, ·         Knowledge of data ingestion technologies such as Azue Data Factoy·         Knowledge of machine leaning tools such as Azue ML·         Expeience coodinating the intesection of complex system dependencies and inteactions·         Expeience in solution delivey using common agile methodologies but also watefall·         Demonstated knowledge of elevant industy tends and standads·         Knowledge in IoT connectivity potocols like CoAP, LWM2M and MQTT is an asset.·         Softwae development couses and/IT elated CetificationsWhat we bing to the tableWe ae the acknowledged industy leade in innovative technology. Ou company is defined by people. That’s why we attach so much impotance to ou employees. We have a collaboative cultue that cheishes ideas and detemination to add value fo ou customes. Ou leadeship style encouages openness, fesh thinking and initiative. We ae pagmatic, positive and optimistic.We offe:Do you ecognize youself in this ole?We ae looking fowad to you online application! Please upload you esume via ou caee page. Applications via e-mail will not be taken in to consideation. About RHI MagnesitaRHI Magnesita is the esult of the combination of RHI and Magnesita to fom the global leading supplie of high-gade efactoy poducts, systems and sevices. With moe than 14,000 employees acoss moe than 35 counties and 3.1 billion in evenues we ae the diving foce of the efactoy industy. But to delive esults fo customes, that technology has to be put to wok effectively. By people. That’s why we attach so much impotance to ou employees. Do you want to know moe?

此职位可能要求b、span、cloudsolutionarchitect、aboutyou、i、rhimagnesitaiscurrentlyseekingacloudsolutionarchitectthatcanberesponsiblefordeliveringsolutiondesignsandarchitecturesforkeyglobalinitiativesusingazurecloudservicesandcustomdevelopedapplicationshostedusingiaas、paasandsaashostingmodels、inaddition 等, 我们为你匹配了以下试题

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